Late start and early end to summer this year, but at least that means we have been getting a lot of fantastic, sunny, fall-like days. I think we saw the last of the gorgeous summer sunsets this week after a good rain.
The tomatoes are coming in fast and furious, and the critters are furiously nibbling their way through them, so I put them on the back porch to ripen. Now they are only in danger from the tomato-stealing dog creatures and the fruit flies.
The long-awaited broadband is coming to Lester's Flat any day now. It took me a good 2 years of phone calls to get Verizon DSL connected back in 2009. It has mostly served us well, but has gotten too expensive. So about a year ago, I signed us up for a broadband connection through Otsego Electric Co-op, our electric service. They have been promising super-fast broadband—hanging cable (wire? fiber?) everywhere that they have poles. Just yesterday we got the final connection from pole to house. Only the inside tech guy needs to come and finish up. Even paying for the slowest speed, I think we will see a great improvement. And The Husband can have his favorite long-distance "land-line" back again. He's still not a big fan of that cellphone thing...