Sunday, March 31, 2019

Rachel lying down with 2 of the boys being boys

Real Rachel, our Nova Scotia fiddle playing friend,
featured in a newsletter I worked on in the fall.
We'll start with the pic of Little Rachel, because the little goaties always get you to read my posts. We named her Rachel for our friend Rachel who left today to move to NYC to continue med school.

We had a Rachel Going Away Party last night, hosted by Tom and Roberta in Cooperstown. Little Rachel would have loved to attend, but it was past her bedtime.

Yours truly might have sung a song or 2 at said get-together with much help and encouragement by said musician friends. Mostly I sang a few John Prine songs, one of my favorite all-time singer songwriters.

Tom and Roberta, our musician hosts
Will and Sue


  1. What JP songs did you sing?

  2. Souvenirs, Grandpa Was a Carpenter, and the new one Summer's End. I love everything he does...
