Sunday, October 13, 2019

Eagles and the new fence!

The video below will tell you everything you need to know about the new fenced yard. The dogs were slow to discover the beauty of it, but once they did... The current plan for the deck/patio is patio and firepit only. Deck was too expensive, and probably not necessary.

Yesterday while I was sitting out there—the eagle parent and 2 youngsters passed overhead. While I would like to believe they were admiring our new enlarged backyard, I suspect mom or dad was showing the kids where our chickens live. Either way, I am always happy to see them. We had an eagle siting or 2 in NJ, but nothing like this.

1 comment:

  1. So, Katie, I'm sitting here catching up with you, and then I clicked your video... Walker was in deep sleep by my feet and then he jumped up when he heard your dogs... "Woooo-wa-wa-WOOOwoWOOOwoWOO!" He said. Google will not translate dog-speak, but we can assume it meant: "Strange dogs in the studio! Sound the alarm!" I love your new fence!
    And finally, why am I not getting your posts? I thought I was signed up for your blog. Glad you came by or I would have continued to live in ignorance. Off to find out what's up with this. ~ Lynda
