Friday, June 19, 2020

EAGLES and 2 subtle messages

So I was sitting outside this morning enjoying a beautiful day with some amazing clouds, watching 2 eagles and a turkey vulture flying off in the distance. The eagles disappeared into the clouds for awhile, and then I was distracted by Cyrus chasing our chickens on the other side of the fence. When I returned to drinking my tea in one of my recently refurbished, trash-picked comfy chairs, I couldn't find the eagles right away, although the vulture was still roughly in the same spot.

Then I heard one of them call over on the opposite side of the house. Now a third eagle and what I think was a red-tailed hawk were all up there together soaring through the sky. The hawk is too small to see in the photos, but the sun was shining through his feathers so I have a pretty good idea that's what it was.

This is my very subtle way of putting it out there that I need a better camera. My little old iPhone just can't handle all this excitement. If anyone has a used digital SLR with a good telephoto lens, let's talk! As long as it takes better pics than these, it is good enough.

And finally, my other not so subtle hint is to my builder. He replaced the rotting trim everywhere but on this side of the house. I need him to come back and fix this ugly stuff, and maybe build my little patio while he is here.

Jim: are you listening?

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