Sunday, March 13, 2022

March winds do blow

You will all be pleased to know, or at least I am, that in spite of the crazy wind and snow yesterday, Miss Tara of the TFJ managed to find her way back to beautiful Upstate New York. Just a little reminder from Mother Nature that it is not yet spring.

While I was out walking dogs the day before the snow, when we still had some snow, I saw some mysterious footprints. Melting snow sometimes makes footprints appear larger. Hard to get a good pic when Cyrus was making his own right on top.

The mysterious part is that there was a pattern of 4 little feet all together. And repeating every foot or so, another group of 4. They don't look like bunny prints, so what critter was doing that little dance out there? They are all covered up now. I'll never know.

1 comment:

  1. One of them gray things what eat nuts
