Sunday, November 13, 2022

Bird Buddy and the posers: A review

Female cardinal

White-breasted nuthatch
I pitched in some cash to a Kickstarter project about a year and a half ago. I received my Bird Buddy about 2 weeks ago. Overall, I am very happy with this little bird feeder with camera that also identifies the birds for you.

As you can see, most of these pictures are very high quality. When the bird sits in the right spot, just in front of the camera, it takes beautiful photos.

The IDs, however, leave something to be desired. It asks you to identify the birds, unless it is a very clear and obvious picture, so it isn't the best if you are looking to learn which birds are using your feeder. But if you use the close-up photos and a good bird book (like The Sibley Guide to Birds) you will be very happy. 

Blue jay. My most frequent visitor/marauder
The images of all those birds you normally would see are so close up and so damn cute, that it is well worth the exorbitant price you will pay for the little feeder. The fact that you have to charge the battery every day, or maybe every 2 days, is a bit annoying.

In my humble opinion.

Male cardinal

Tufted titmouse scaring off a house finch. It worked.

Black-capped chickadee

American goldfinch

Female house finch

Male house finch

House sparrow: I did not know, until I saw this pic and looked it up, that male house sparrows have yellow beaks, not black, and mostly lose the black spot on their chest, during non-breeding season, September–March. American goldfinch in the feeder. I did know that they lose most of their brilliant yellow coloring in the winter.



  1. Great post. I am having so much fun with my BB. Getting notified that I have a postcard brings joyful moments
