Thursday, December 1, 2022

A bird obsession: Part 1—The American Goldfinch

I have already talked about the Bird Buddy feeder/camera that I got in October. It forces you to obsess about the visitors you get, because it reminds you every time it takes a pic, or 10.

I think the most frequent visitor currently, is the house finch. I have 253 house finch pics in the gallery, and that's not counting the similar amount that I deleted. After that it is probably the cardinal. 

The blue jay might have been the second most frequent, but someone suggested adding safflower seed to the sunflower seeds, and that did the trick. The blue jays still come by now and then, but they are disappointed when they see the safflower is still in there. They throw them on the ground and carefully pick out the sunflower seeds.

Today's feature is the American Goldfinch. According to the Bird Buddy, they are day fliers, involved parents, and loyal lovebirds. It says they don't like the cold, so will be flying south soon, unless the food supply is tempting enough. I don't think either of these seeds will be enough to keep them through an Upstate winter.

For now we only have a dusting of snow and it's not all that cold. We'll see how long they stick around.

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