Friday, September 6, 2024

Dublin—Saints and more pubs

St. Stephen's Green
You can see poor Molly in the background
Our Ireland trip ended with 2 days in Dublin. We brought Cousin Tony back to the city with us, and turned in the evil car near his home in Kilmainham without having to make our way back to the airport rental agency. So for the last 2 days KP was stress-free! Yay!

We did a lot of wandering in Dublin's fair city. The saints were everywhere. Poor Saint Andrew must be horrified that the statue of Molly Malone, on the sidewalk out in front of his church, is fondled by tourists from all over. I just don't know how that became a thing...

We also went to the National Museum of Ireland where there were plenty of archaeological artifacts recalling a sainted history—including Saint Patrick's tooth. (?!?)

And of course we made our way to a pub or 5.

On our last night we wandered into The Brazen Head, Ireland's oldest pub, established 1198. We met locals John and Lorraine, and chatted our way through the evening with the Olympics on the TV overhead. John said that "if bullshittin' was an Olympic sport, the Irish would win all the gold medals".

Goats on the loose
Also on our last day in Dublin, we heard rumors of a herd escape in Schuyler Lake. The trail camera showed this to be very true. Fortunately, the home team was successful in guiding them all back home.

Entrance to the National Museum of Ireland

Tim with some saintly figures

Because you really did want to see this!
The beautiful Swan Bar, established 1661
The Brazen Head

Brian walking Otis and Zelda :)

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