Monday, April 9, 2018

Muddy floor

The stars of these photos are hard to focus on when all I see is the muddy floor. Mud season. Why bother cleaning it until the mud goes away?

Poor WillWill the cat had to make a trip to the vet today. When we came back, he was feeling brave enough to hang out with the Cyrus on the first floor while the WoodMan was outside. This is a BIG deal!

Progress! I thought perhaps this would convince Willie that it was safe to be on the first floor with the dogs and his buddy Monkey, the cat who prefers the company of dogs.

It worked. Willie came down again a few minutes later when both dogs were down here. They were as surprised as he was. They chased him and cornered him in the kitchen where he feared for his life (me too...for him) until I was able to grab them.

Needless to say he won't come down again any time soon.

Poor guy!

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