Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter piggies and some chicks too!

Happy Easter!

Woke up this morning to Stormy giving birth to piglets. We had no idea when she was due, but we knew they were coming. Husband saw 3 little white ones who appear to be healthy, and 1 black one who was struggling.

By the time I got out there to see her, Stormy was outside eating, not in with her babies. I poked my head in the shed to see what was going on, and she forcefully pushed me out. She could easily kill me, so I took her warning and left.

Thus, not great photos.

I think there are only the 4 of them, which is a very small litter for a pig. They can have up to 12. And they came when it is still chilly out there. We had hoped to get inside and hook up a heat lamp, but if she won't let us in, she will just have to keep them as warm as she can.

I fear this is not going well, but there's not much we can do.

So we will concentrate on the happy. I ordered 10 chicks online this week. They are "Colored Egg Layers" is all I know, probably a mixture of whatever breeds the hatchery couldn't sell before they got too old to sell as chicks. They usually ship them when they are 1 or 2 days old, so I guess there is a very small window for selling them at full price.

It will be fun to watch them grow up and try to figure out what breeds they are.

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