Thursday, January 2, 2025

New Jessie, BirdBuddy and cat buddies

Jessie has been reliably coming in in the mornings and evenings for a while now. She sleeps overnight in the cozy spot on the floor next to our bed. 

She also reliably wakes me up at 5:45 am to go out for a pee, but the new Jessie comes back in and stays in the house until about 12:30. That’s a big deal!

And yet she still insists on shivering out there on nasty, cold, windy, snowy days like today, until I convince her to come in when it gets dark and she gets hungry. 

The BirdBuddy has a hard time getting good pics on days like today when the birds have a hard time hanging on long enough to catch a seed or 2. That was a white-breasted nuthatch who succeeded. 

Monkey and Martin are getting better at being buddies. They still have a boxing match at least once a day, but then they act like BFFs. 

And the last pic is what happens when I spend too long writing a post. Even in his sleep, Martin tries to get my attention away from the phone (which was in that hand).

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