Thursday, June 11, 2020

Dragons and flowers

I think we have finally gotten past the threat of snow, and gone pretty quickly into hot and humid—definitely preferable to snow in June.

I saw 3 dragonflies on my beagle walk today. A pair like this one, and a larger different one, all on the same steps as we were coming back in the house. I only ever see dragonflies when I have a dog on a leash who wants to investigate the funny little critters. Someday, maybe, I will get a good photo.

My William Guinness columbines have finally opened. I brought some seed with me from NJ, and now have promised some seeds to my friends back in NJ. But I can't get the seeds until the flowers are done looking pretty in with my chives. Once they take hold they grow pretty easily.

And I just dug up some of the black-eyed susans, also from NJ, to share with my neighbors up here. They too grow like a weed, but look so much better than most of the weeds we have.

1 comment:

  1. I'll take some of those columbine seeds in a letter if you remember when you harvest. I bought some McKana seeds and planted a couple dozen for bloom next year but only 7 germinated. We had down-facing wild pink ones in Freehold. I'd like to mix some of yours with these upward facing ones.
