Sunday, March 7, 2021

Blue Woody

Just about everything in this picture is blue, including the WoodMan. We found out after a rough day for him on Friday, and a trip to the emergency vet, that he has an aggressive cancer.

With the meds they sent us home with he is almost back to his normal self, but we don't know how much longer he has. When he stops being his normal (crazy) self, we will know that his time has come.

This black hen comes down the long icy driveway just about every day, mostly by herself. She is a believer that spring is here, in spite of the icy driveway. 

Woody will be happy for spring, because I might just let him go off-leash for some more good romps. We are all looking forward to plenty of romping in the spring!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Kathy, I'm so sorry. One of our cats probably has cancer - we're STILL waiting on a test result. The steroid she's been on has kept the bad symptoms at bay. Our cats have been indoor ones their whole 13 years, but I'm tempted to let them outside this spring. May Woody have some lovely romps this spring.
