Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Downstairs Willie and the little dragon

Willie the cat had been living upstairs almost totally since we moved him up here in 2010. He made a few visits downstairs, but was usually chased back up by Woody. 

For some reason we will never understand, in the past 6 months or so he has become a downstairs cat, even to the point of being annoying. He spends most of his time on the kitchen island begging for anything that looks like it could be food. 

He also finds the open mandolin case to be quite the cozy spot.

We have had the back screen door open for the past few days because it has been so cold, and it is just easier to open the inside door to let the dogs out.

This unidentified (darner?) dragonfly found her way inside overnight. Luckily I found her before Willie did. I know she's a female, because when I escorted her outside, she promptly laid a whole clutch of eggs in the pot of rosemary where I set her free.

1 comment:

  1. Could be a health issue. We have had cats who change their habits, whether about location, food, or sleeping place and sometimes it is associated with health. Our Dylan, who is now 12, is diabetic and he is now sleeping on our bed on a regular basis and does not go downstairs at all, which he used to do regularly. If you have not already, maybe a vet trip and a geriatric blood panel is in order. Hope all else is well.
