Thursday, January 28, 2021

Goats in coats

So the village came through with plenty of goat coats! From just one little request on Celebrate Cooperstown on Facebook, I got 8 coats in 2 days. Now I just have to convince the little ones that they need to keep them on. One little goatie in particular has removed 3 different coats so far. 

Sharon, the belted mom, moved her 2 today from the calf hutch where they were born, out to the barn. Even though the calf hutch might be warmer, her kids can now snuggle under the hay manger with the other 4. With all the hay on the floor below, and in the feeder above, AND with 6 little bodies (some with their coats still on!) snuggled in together, they should stay warm enough.

We are expecting below 0° temps starting tonight, with a single digit high for tomorrow. And it's windy! I am praying that no one else gives birth until we get back to double digits.

A shout out to The Husband (who hates being mentioned on here). He was very proud when he found the Dogloo (below) and his other big plastic find, the calf hutch a couple years ago. I scolded him because I hate big plastic things, but they have both turned out to be very handy for mid-winter goat-warming. The adults are fine with the cold, newborn kids, not so much.

So thank you my unnamed husband.


  1. Sending warm thoughts! It would not have occurred to me to put coats on the kids! So cute!

  2. Happy Birthday Tim! Yes, that big plastic thing really came in handy!! Love all these photos and the story behind them. Thanks for sharing!!!! we are in for some snow starting Sunday. This could be a blinger. :O
