Monday, August 28, 2017

Rita and Susan

The Husband's Mom, Rita, and his sister, Susan, had a strong resemblance to each other. I will even say they had similar personalities.

Rita came to Lester's Flat for a visit a few months before she passed away, and just a few days after Rico the goat was born. We thought Rico was a girl, and we asked her if we could name him Rita. She loved the idea...but then, well, it wouldn't do to have a boy named Rita...

So the following year, after Rita had passed (we miss you!) we had a little white female goat born here that we named Rita. It was only after she was about a year old that she turned into a redhead, like her namesake.

Then, this past year we kept 2 of the 10 kids that were born here and sold the rest. Roger Ramjet was the buckling who struggled to stay alive, and another little white female that we named after Susan Sontag, the writer. It took awhile to figure it out, but guess what? Susan the goat is now a redhead as well! So she must have really been named after Tim's sister.

No offense to the humans, but I think your goats are beautiful too! Our 2 pretty redheads get along very well even if they are not mother and daughter.

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