Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Littlest chicks and a morning moon

The 4 youngest chicks are getting big too. The 1 on the left is looking a lot like a rooster...jury is still out on the other 3. Unlike the older 4, these were all eggs from the hen in this picture—a Cream Legbar who lays blue eggs. And the daddy rooster for all of them was our Buff Orpington, which would explain why they are all varying shades of blonde.

Husband has seen, and we both have smelled a skunk out by the coop recently. Skunks are very fond of chickens. I have seen what looks like predator damage on some of the older hens (missing feathers not from molting) and the one young roo from the other bunch has some blood spots on his feathers. I also found 2 dead pidgeons near the coop.

Both moms are keeping their babies back closer to the house. Let's hope Mr Stinky doesn't find his way back here.

The bucky twins are still hanging out here, especially during the wee hours of the morning. Cyrus likes to tell us whenever buckies are trespassing. It just so happens that was at 3 a.m. and 6 a.m. last night. And I went to bed at 1 a.m. Thanks, Cyrus.

I did have the pleasure of seeing the moon on my 6 a.m. trip outside. I hope no one driving by noticed my mismatched PJs. In spite of what it looks like in this picture, it was pretty bright out there.

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