Monday, September 20, 2021

Nothing in particular

Young Roo (as opposed to Big Roo) on an apple tree branch

I have no good subject matter for a post today, just trying to distract myself from the ongoing painful process of selling a house. Fingers crossed, maybe this week.

We went from hot and humid not normal NY summer weather, to brilliant blue sky seems like fall summer weather on the day after we had our AC unit installed. Not a bad trade. 

Last night Hub and I watched the 1932 version of Scarface with Paul Muni, George Raft, Ann Dvorak, Karen Morley, and Boris Karloff. I thought the women actors stole the show, although it's hard not to love Boris Karloff, even in a small role.

Who knew that a movie, inspired by the novel which was inspired by the gangster Al Capone, could be both humorous and violent, and still watchable?

The cat on my knee, and the cat on the sofa behind me were not interested in the shoot 'em up movie, but there was this beautiful almost full moon in the window above Willie's head that stole my attention. Is that Venus to the right? 

Calling on Starman Frank to answer that.


  1. That's Jupiter near the moon. Venus is the WSW at this particular time in the role of Evening Star.
