Friday, December 31, 2021

A walk in the woods with Woods on New Year's Eve

The first pic is Woody wishing you a Happy New Year. I'll post the video version on Facebook in the comments.

He wasn't supposed to still be here. They gave him 6 months to live back on March 5 when they found a tumor on his spleen. Since then he has been to his real vet who thinks he still has a way to go.

Way to go, WoodMan.

He took me on a walk today, his choice of direction. We went to a part of the creek where I don't normally go.

Apparently the beavers are back. And they have almost taken down one of my favorite apple trees. It's the only one that gets red apples, and they are high enough that the deer can't easily reach them.

Of course that means I can't easily reach them either, but I think this poor tree won't make it to spring 2022.The second tree is just behind this one. It definitely won't make it to spring.

Wishing you all clear sailing to spring 2022!

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