Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Dump shall fall

Starting on Monday, February 14, The Dump will be dismantled and carted to the real dump, the landfill. An ad for it on Craig's List produced no takers, even for free, so when someone stopped by last week and asked if we would rent it out, we settled on having them take it down instead. In the photo above, it is behind the yellow shed, which we are keeping.

It's a shame that I can't recycle more than maybe some glass, but since we agreed with the town to take it down before March 1, this seems to be the best option. While we have someone willing to cart all of it away for the same price, we might as well let it all go. Our view of the horse farm will be much improved, and everyone else's view of Lester's Flat will be enhanced as well.

We are getting more sleet and snow today, it seems this snowy winter goes on forever. But spring is definitely on its way and soon we might actually see some of that green stuff they call grass...maybe by May 1?
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