Monday, August 9, 2010

Visiting with Bullwinkle

Another gorgeous day in the neighborhood yesterday, so we went to visit Cousin Chris. The office was closed on Sunday, but Bullwinkle was up for a visit. Anything to distract the flies from him, poor guy!

Today was also pretty nice, until we decided to go for a walk into town. A few raindrops on the way down, and a full out rainstorm the whole way back. We thought about ducking into The Dump to wait it out, but once you're soaked, what's the difference in being more soaked?

I spent a good bit of time today sorting things out. After filling out all the applications, I thought we were ready to get our NY drivers' licenses and registrations for the cars, but we were lacking the car titles and NY car insurance. We did succeed in getting the temporary version of our step closer.

I also took the time to read the instruction booklets for the new washer and dryer. The Husband has been using them for a few weeks, but it takes a woman to sit down and become one with the details of proper laundry procedures. He thanked me for figuring out how to permanently turn off the annoying buzzers.

We haven't heard anything about whether or not St. Joseph sold our house yet, nor anything about the 2 jobs that I posted applications for, but either way, we are settling in to our new life in NY.

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