Monday, March 13, 2023

Icing on the cake

Winter is still hanging on. We have had more snow in the last couple of weeks than we had all season. Siri threatened us with 16" of wintry mix today, but, so far only a few flurries.

Woody just passed the second anniversary of his doomsday visit to the vet. She suggested we might want to euthanize him when she found a mass on his spleen. She did not recommend surgery as he was too old to go through that.

Our best guess is that he is now 14 and a half. We didn't kill him. We didn't go for the surgery. We got him off all the meds but one, and he probably doesn't even need that little happy pill, but it has no side effects so why not.

His new thing is that he likes to sit in my lap. Not sure what he thinks he's doing other than pestering me. I let him stay until my legs fall asleep, and then convince him to move on.

So I move to a different chair to read my book. Chances Are by Richard Russo. 

Then these 2 join me.

I guess we are still adjusting to mom being home all day.

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