Friday, May 7, 2010

Cooler but still nice

I am finishing up the one job, and holding off on the bigger one until the weather turns bad. I just can't work inside when it is so nice out there. As soon as I finish here I will take L & S down to the far side of the creek, where they will undoubtedly continue their feast on whatever dead things they can find.

It is just a little lonely without the crazy foster pup here to entertain us. The biggest problem with Ruby being here was that L & S knew that I was watching her more carefully, so they chose to expand their boundaries more than usual. Even now they think they can roam just that much farther, and wait just those few minutes longer to come back when I call them. They are both very smart about getting to places where I cannot (or will not) chase them—like on the other side of the barbed wire fence, or on the far side of the creek at its deepest part. When Sophie gets over there, very often she forgets how she got there without swimming, and she can't figure out how to get back... We'll get back into our routine soon enough...redefining the boundaries.

These photos are of all 3 kids at the creek from 2 weeks ago, a happy wet Lester on the front porch, and the remains of something (a deer?) that probably had a good life a few years ago, but now looks like a Georgia O'Keefe painting.

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