Monday, May 10, 2010

Pretty pasture pics for The Husband

This afternoon I wasted about an hour and a half searching for a missing Sophie. I even called in the troops to help (Friend Jane in her Jeep). While I was just about hoarse calling her name and probably enraging the neighbors, back she comes, trotting across the field as if nothing was wrong.

Mostly I worked today, putting the screen door back together and finishing up my other paying job, but I did manage to take some more photos before and after I retrieved my missing retriever mix. I have a lot of new ones to share, and I will do my best to bring them back home with me for later posts. For now, some pretty pictures of the "pasture" for The Husband to contemplate back in NJ. In the bottom one, you can see the tracks in the foreground from the excavator's leveling routine.

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