Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Rock is done. Door is red.

The day before Thanksgiving, so not a whole day of work on the house. Jim the Builder was proud to show off my red front door—it was painted over last week, and he said the blue made a nice tinted primer...

Rockers were out today. They finished up before noon. The downstairs bath fixtures were delivered today. Turns out the missing fixtures were not so much of a holdup. They just cut the sheetrock but didn't attach yet. Jesse the Electrician came yesterday to finish wiring the basement, which also needed to be done before rocking.

Jim still thinks we might be done by Christmas, but we're not gonna make him stick to that deadline. He also might stop by early some morning to shoot that 6-point buck that has been spotted a few times by the guys.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. And a special shout out to Lisa and Jersey, cooking a turkey for "The Boys" tomorrow.


  1. We like the red door much better!!! Happy Thanksgiving!
    Let's see... Grandmom's stuffing. Mom's fruit cup. Gran's Apple Pie, Mashed Potatoes, string beans, carrots, crescent rolls, Uncle Jack, Msgr. B.,Johnny and Jersey. We are all set!

  2. We are all here together looking at the pics of your house. Your Uncles are happy to finally see what you are talking about. They like what they see...
    Happy Thanksgiving! We miss you.
