Friday, July 8, 2011

The boxes, the Chicken Girls and The Dump

The weather is always full of surprises up here in the North Country. As I was typing my post the other day, the sky turned black and thunder started booming. I had to give up mid-post to protect my iMac, which does double duty as a TV now that we don't get any local channels without cable. If we lost the Mac, we would truly be out of touch with the universe. We even use it as a radio sometimes because the local stations tend to fade in and out.

The photo here was taken in the midst of that booming thunderstorm. It blew over in about 10 minutes, pouring rain and streaking lightning, and just that fast it was gone and the sun came out. If you look closely, there is a big fat rainbow over the top of the garage. Closer still, and you might see the hawk flying in the rain that was still coming down.

I am sorry that the weather seems to be my most frequent topic, but the only other things going on at Lester's Flat right now are the boxes of stuff still waiting to be unpacked, the adventures of the Chicken Girls, and the Disappearing Dump Destroyer. I haven't seen him for over a month even though he claims to have been out there a few times. He threatened to have everything "knocked down" by the end of May, but we are no closer to that point than we were on May 31.

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